Committee Positions & Roles
Executive Committee

Position: President
Estimated workload 15+ hours per month
Responsible for overseeing all club activities
Represent the club at meetings with BG.
Work with our partners such as community groups, sponsors and schools.
Be hands on in resolving club issues if required
Work closely with all committee members & sub committee
Position: Vice-President
Estimated workload 5+ hours per month
Support the President in his/her responsibilities.
The president and vice-president should work closely together
Position: Secretary
Estimated workload 4 hours per month
Organising meetings
Taking minutes of meetings
Club correspondence
PO Box
Public officer / Public Statement
Position: Treasurer
Estimated workload 4 hours per month peaking to 10 hours a month twice a year
Responsible for the finances of the club
Paying bills
Banking money
Outstanding fee collection
Monthly treasurers report to be presented at meetings
General Committee

Position: Director of Coaching & Player Development
Estimated workload 4+ hours a week
Assist coaches with planning and implementing training sessions
Run educational training sessions to improve and broaden coaching skillset of the clubs coaches
Provide mentorship to coaches through attendance of training sessions and games, giving feedback
Design player development guidelines necessary for specific age groups that coaches can refer to
Be a resource for both players and coaches to enquire with regarding anything basketball such as player skill development, gameplay strategies etc
Position: Male Players coordinator
Estimated workload 1-2 hours per week peaking to 10 hours a week
Very busy for 6 weeks or so around change of seasons
Person needs to be well organized and diligent and prepared to put in the hours
Duties: Works with parents, coaches and teams for team selections, gradings and training schedule. Point of contact between the club and the teams / coaches
Introduce new players to the club and ensure they are registered and have a uniform and allocated to a team
Position: Female Players coordinator
Estimated workload 1-2 hours per week peaking to 10 hours a week
Very busy for 6 weeks or so around change of seasons
Person needs to be well organized and diligent and prepared to put in the hours
Duties: Works with parents, coaches and teams for team selections, gradings and training schedule. Point of contact between the club and the teams / coaches
Introduce new players to the club and ensure they are registered and have a uniform and allocated to a team
Position: Uniform & Merch coordinator
Estimated workload 1 hours per month peaking to 20 hours a month twice a year
Very busy for 6 weeks or so around change of seasons
To work with the Uniform Co-ordinator & Merchendise Co-ordinator
Position: Fund Raising & Events Co-Ordinator
Estimated workload 1 hours per month peaking to 20 hours a month twice a year
Very busy for 6 weeks or so around change of seasons
To work with the Uniform Co-ordinator & Merchendise Co-ordinator
Position: Sponsorship & Grants Co-Ord
Estimated workload 2-10 hours per month
Ensure we are actively seeking and maintaining club sponsors.
Ensure that we look after our sponsors and deliver what we have promised.
Position: General Committee
Estimated workload 1 hours per month
Work with the committee & help where required.
Sub Committees

Player Co-ordinator Roles including
1. Boys U10/U12
2. Boys U14/U16
3. Boys U18/U20
4. Men
5. Girls U14 & below
6. Girls U16 & above
7. Womens
Estimated workload 1-2 hours per week peaking to 10 hours a week
Very busy for 6 weeks or so around change of seasons
Duties: Works with parents, coaches and teams for team selections, gradings and training schedule. Point of contact between the club and the teams / coaches. Plan ahead for upcoming seasons.
Position Uniform coordinator
Estimated workload 4 hours per month peaking to 20 hours a month twice a year
Very busy for 6 weeks or so around change of seasons
Provide uniforms to new players
Keep a record of singlet numbers for all players and payment details
Ensure that uniforms are paid for
Order uniforms to replenish stock and ensure we have enough on hand – especially for new seasons.
Keep the sets of clash tops and ensure they are returned promptly so other teams can use them when required.
Position Merchandising
Estimated workload 4 hours per month peaking to 20 hours a month twice a year
Very busy for 6 weeks or so around change of seasons
Provide merchandise for players
Order & replenish stock and ensure we have enough on hand – especially for new seasons.
Position Fundraising sub committee (up to 3)
Estimated workload Variable – peaking when fundraising events have been planned
Initiate fundraising activities – ensure that the club is actually planning and having these events (BBQs, Trivia night, Chocolate drive, etc)
Coordinate the people required to run the event
Position Sponsorship & Grants sub committee
Estimated workload
Ensure we are actively seeking and maintaining club sponsors.
Ensure that we look after our sponsors and deliver what we have promised.
Upcoming Events
The Lara Giants wish to advise that the 2024 AGM will be held on Sunday October 27 at 7pm at the Bisinella Centre on Buckingham St Lara. All positions will be vacated & a new committee will be elected. All members (including parents of junior members) are invited to attend. We are always looking for new […]
Lara Giants Austin Lara Uniform day on Sunday October 6th at Beckley Park from 2pm.All new players or those needing a bigger size need to reserve a time to try on & collect your uniform in preparation for our upcoming summer seasonBook: www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1293372
The day starts at 10am on Sunday September 15 at the wonderful Beckley Park function room which was a great venue last summer presentation day. Times for each age group– 10am Programs – Mini, Giants, Little Giants, Shooting Stars, Mighty Giants– 10:30 Under 10 boys & girls– 11am U16, U18, U19 & Club Champs & […]
Free Hoop City Clinic for our U12 & U14 players. Register here https://forms.gle/EtpEfAyuyHh49Dvi7
Uniform Day is today at Lara Community Centre on Waverly Road Lara between 4pm to 6pm If you are a new player or needing a new Austin Lara uniform you can come along & collect your uniform today. First games are this week so make sure you are ready. To help ensure speedy service for […]
Sunday March 24 – Details TBC
Free Clinic for all in our community. More info www.laragiants.org.au/giantclinic24/
Sunday August 27 Lara Primary School 1pm U10s, 2pm U12s 3pm Programs – Shooting Starts, Little Giants, Mighty Giants & Pipsqueaks 3:30pm U14s, 4:30pm U16s, u18s & u19s
Join us for a fun night of Trivia…. But with a twist. There will be a strong emphasis on TV, Movies, Sport & Music as well as other crazy fun games & activities for all to enjoy
The Lara Giants are off to watch the NBL1 action with the Geelong United Supercats on Saturday June 3rd at the Geelong Arena. More info Lara Giants – Geelong Supercats Club Night