LBC Summer 2016 2017 player and team planning
Procedure summary
Please read the FAQ below for further explanation.
Step 1 Indicate your intention to play in Summer 16/17 season by Friday 2nd September.
Step 2 Confirm that your name has been included on the player list on the LBC website.
Step 3 Team selections will be done during the 2 week period ending Friday 16th September
Procedure details
Step 1
Indicate your intention to play in Summer 2016 2017 season before Friday 2nd September by emailing to [email protected] OR [email protected]
Details required are :
Date of birth
Email address
Contact mobile number
Step 2
Confirm that your name has been included on the player list on the LBC website.
If you have done Step 1 above and your name does not appear on the list within 2 days, send a text to Rod Randall on 0408 331560
Allow 2 days for the list to be updated.
Only players on the list will be considered for selection in a team.
If you are aware of players not on the list, who you know intend to play, direct them to the LBC website for directions on how to sign up.
Step 3
Team selections will be done during the week ending 16th September and all players will be notified when the teams have been selected. The team lists will be placed on the LBC website. Players not selected in a team will be placed on a waiting list.
Change of Age Groups
The change of age groups occurs between the Winter and Summer seasons and approximately half of the players will move up an age group. The new age groups for Summer 2016/2017 and Winter 2017 are:
- Under 10 Born in 2008 or 2009
- Under 12 Born in 2006 or 2007
- Under 14 Born in 2004 or 2005
- Under 16 Born in 2002 or 2003
- Under 18 Born in 2000 or 2001
Why is this new procedure being introduced ?
The biggest issue the club has each season is entering teams without a confirmed coach and then trying to find a coach while the season is active. This causes frustrations and disgruntlement for all involved and a lot of extra time and effort for the team coordinators and other club members. The whole process is about removing the uncertainty around who is playing and who is coaching and the pain associated with that uncertainty.
How can I guarantee my child will be placed in a team ?
That is easy – coach a team ! or recruit somebody to coach your child’s team.
This is the part where you can really help the club. If you have some basketball experience or are just willing to give it a go then please consider coaching a team. You may have a brother/sister/relative/friend who is suitable – ask them if they will coach.
If everybody in the club actively looked for somebody to coach a team all our coaching issues would be solved.
How many teams will be entered in each age group ?
The number of teams is totally dependent on the number of coaches confirmed for that age group. If we have enough players for 5 teams but only 3 coaches we will only enter 3 teams.
How are the teams selected ?
Team selections will be done by the age group coaches and the teams coordinator.
If extra teams are entered after the initial selection there will be some reshuffling of the players amongst the teams.
What if my child is not selected in a team ?
They will be placed on a waiting list and if a position becomes available the coach will select a player from the waiting list.
BUT if we had another coach we would enter another team and an extra 7 or 8 players would get a game. Refer to the question above “How can I guarantee my child will be placed in a team?“
I thought the club would provide a coach !
The club is you, me and everybody else who plays or has a child who plays. Some of our coaches are senior players but the majority are the parents of players. All are volunteers willing to give up their time to allow the kids to have a game of basketball. How many kids can play is dependent on how many parents are willing to volunteer.
What are the commitments and benefits of coaching a team ?
Commitments and duties
There is 1 game and 1 training session per week both of which are usually 1 hour duration.
There will probably be 1 coaches meeting per season.
Work with the club and team coordinators as the primary contact between the club and the team.
Benefits and assistance
Free LBC club membership for your family.
Free coaching courses as available. Generally there would be a level 0 and level 1 course each year.
Assistance will be provided to beginner coaches if requested. All you have to do is ask.
Upcoming Events
The Lara Giants wish to advise that the 2024 AGM will be held on Sunday October 27 at 7pm at the Bisinella Centre on Buckingham St Lara. All positions will be vacated & a new committee will be elected. All members (including parents of junior members) are invited to attend. We are always looking for new […]
Lara Giants Austin Lara Uniform day on Sunday October 6th at Beckley Park from 2pm.All new players or those needing a bigger size need to reserve a time to try on & collect your uniform in preparation for our upcoming summer seasonBook: www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1293372
The day starts at 10am on Sunday September 15 at the wonderful Beckley Park function room which was a great venue last summer presentation day. Times for each age group– 10am Programs – Mini, Giants, Little Giants, Shooting Stars, Mighty Giants– 10:30 Under 10 boys & girls– 11am U16, U18, U19 & Club Champs & […]
Free Hoop City Clinic for our U12 & U14 players. Register here https://forms.gle/EtpEfAyuyHh49Dvi7
Uniform Day is today at Lara Community Centre on Waverly Road Lara between 4pm to 6pm If you are a new player or needing a new Austin Lara uniform you can come along & collect your uniform today. First games are this week so make sure you are ready. To help ensure speedy service for […]
Sunday March 24 – Details TBC
Free Clinic for all in our community. More info www.laragiants.org.au/giantclinic24/
Sunday August 27 Lara Primary School 1pm U10s, 2pm U12s 3pm Programs – Shooting Starts, Little Giants, Mighty Giants & Pipsqueaks 3:30pm U14s, 4:30pm U16s, u18s & u19s
Join us for a fun night of Trivia…. But with a twist. There will be a strong emphasis on TV, Movies, Sport & Music as well as other crazy fun games & activities for all to enjoy
The Lara Giants are off to watch the NBL1 action with the Geelong United Supercats on Saturday June 3rd at the Geelong Arena. More info Lara Giants – Geelong Supercats Club Night